
YYA Special Waterproof and anti-permeable Mortar

YYA Special Waterproof and anti-permeable Mortar

Product introduction: A kind of special waterproof and anti-permeable material for the treatment of backside concrete surface and leakage of brick structures. High Strength (C30 level within 7 days). High yield of leakage pressure. Engineering available with water on backside surface. Capable of rapidly solving leakage of concrete or brick structures in local or in large scale.

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Product Description

A kind of special waterproof and anti-permeable material for the treatment of backside concrete surface and leakage of brick structures. High Strength (C30 level within 7 days). High yield of leakage pressure. Engineering available with water on backside surface. Capable of rapidly solving leakage of concrete or brick structures in local or in large scale.

Engineering case


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