
What are the reasons for the underground garage leaking and the solutions?

Article Source: Zhengzhou Sainuo   Popularity:    Time: 2018-11-13

In the rainy weather, there may be a lot of people who will encounter the situation when they go to the underground garage to pick up the car and find that there is rain around the car. Some may just see a small part of the underground garage wall begin to seep, some The exaggeration is just like coming to the waterfall. In such a situation, the car not only damages the car body, but may also cause damage to the parts inside the car. If you encounter such a situation, it is impossible for the owner to park the car in the underground garage. If the underground garage leaks slightly, of course it is ok. If it is serious, you can only find another place to stop. So why is the underground garage leaking? What caused the underground garage to leak? Of course, it is necessary to understand the leakage of the underground garage so that the problem can be better solved. Otherwise, the solution that may be adopted is to solve the problem of the eyebrows and wait until the next time, and then this will happen again and again. The leakage of the underground garage will definitely lead to the inability of the underground garage to be used, and it can only be repaired again to ensure the normal use of the underground garage.
If there is a leak in the underground garage, there may be several reasons. First, because there is no serious construction during the construction process, the construction of the underground garage ramp is not carried out well, resulting in the bottoming of the underground garage ramp. Incomplete, not full. At this time, when the waterproofing construction is carried out, the amount of waterproofing that penetrates is naturally much less. Then wait until the rainy weather, when there is heavy rain, there is no way to waterproof the underground garage, and there will be water seepage or water leakage in the natural underground garage. Then, if you find that there is a problem in the construction of the underground garage ramp at this time, you can immediately take the corresponding measures to rectify the ramp. If you do not take measures, the leakage of the underground garage will continue to deepen, so that the underground garage can not be used normally. Of course, in addition to the mistakes in the construction process, there may be problems with the materials themselves, that is to say, the construction party did not select good materials when selecting materials, and the consequences are very serious, because if the construction party does not use If a good material is used for construction, of course, there is no way to verify it in the short term, and it will only be discovered when the real problem arises. Because many fake and shoddy waterproof places on the market are full of money, the biggest task for many merchants is to make money, so many businesses will choose these poor quality but cheap products. If this is the case, then The leakage of the underground garage will continue uninterrupted, so the underground garage will undergo major reforms to solve the problem.
In addition to the problems caused by mistakes in the construction process and the use of inferior goods by the construction team, it may also be caused by the poor location of the underground garage itself, if it is not airtight and relatively dark, And the place of the damp place. Even if you use good materials, it will cause some water leakage or water seepage. So if it is because of such a situation, then you need to take some other measures. Of course, using good waterproof materials may solve the problem, and it will also Mitigating the impact of problems that may occur. But the best solution should be to change the environment inside the underground garage. This is the best way.
The YYA special waterproof and impervious slurry developed by Zhengzhou Sainuo Building Materials Co., Ltd. can completely solve the problem of water seepage in the basement, water seepage in the underground garage, water leakage in the basement, water leakage in the underground garage, water leakage in the pool, water seepage in the tunnel, etc. Brick-concrete structure seepage problem, the effect is durable.
Of course, in addition to the mistakes in the construction process, there may be problems with the material itself. It is also said that the construction party did not choose good materials when selecting materials, and the consequences are very serious, because if the construction party does not use it well. If the materials are used for construction, of course, there is no way to verify them in the short term, and only when the real problems arise will they be discovered. Because many fake and shoddy waterproof places on the market are full of money, the biggest task for many businesses is to make money, so many businesses will choose these poor quality but cheap products, if this is the case, then The leakage of the underground garage will continue uninterrupted, so the underground garage will undergo major reforms to solve the problem.

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