
How does YYA perform impervious repair and construction?

Article Source: Zhengzhou Sainuo   Popularity:    Time: 2018-11-13

YYA is a high-performance impermeability material, not a plugging material. It is very suitable for solving the problem of water seepage and sweating of concrete and masonry structures. It can replace 80% of the grouting process, which saves time and materials and costs. Of course, if the water leakage is serious, it needs to be plugged or drained first, then sprayed with YYA. If the leakage is not serious and the size is different, it is not easy to determine whether it is necessary to first perform the plugging treatment. Firstly, spray the 1-2 mm thickness YYA first. After 12 hours, the site inspection, at this time 90% of the leakage has stopped. There may be partial leakage, which indicates that the water leakage is serious here, then the plugging treatment should be carried out, and then YYA can be sprayed. In the past, it was mainly grouting, and later it was mainly shotcreting, supplemented by grouting and plugging.

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