
YYA is used for waterproofing underground projects. What are the advantages comp

Article Source: Zhengzhou Sainuo   Popularity:    Time: 2018-11-13

YYA has double waterproof protection function, namely membrane waterproofing and penetration waterproofing. Even if the coating is damaged and peeled off, some chemical components penetrate into the capillary pores of the concrete, sealing the pores and fine cracks, and still achieve good waterproof function. . The flexible waterproof material only has the function of waterproofing the membrane. Once it is destroyed, it will leak water. At the same time, the waterproof material of the coil needs to be spliced ​​on site. If the joint is not handled well, it will leak; the bonding material for the coil contains Phenolic volatiles are harmful to the human body and are not suitable for closed environment construction; while YYA relies on spraying construction, which has low requirements for workers, no splicing seams, and greatly reduces the risk of leakage. At the same time, YYA is non-toxic, not There will be any harm to people. Flexible waterproofing can only be used for water surface construction. Once the waterproof membrane is damaged or the joint is not spliced, water leakage will occur, and the specific leak location cannot be determined. It is also troublesome to repair on the back.
  And YYA can be waterproof inside and outside. Because there are two sets of waterproof redundant systems, even if the waterproof membrane is destroyed, it will not leak due to the penetration of chemical substances. Because it is sprayed and has no joints, it forms an overall waterproof system, which greatly reduces the probability of leakage. Because the material has the effect of automatic repair of fine cracks, even if the structure has the expansion of fine cracks, when the water enters the crack, the crystal material inside expands with water immediately, blocking the capillary water seepage channel, and the effect of preventing leakage is achieved, but the expansion is also It is not endless. When the balance between internal and external atmospheric pressure is reached, the expansion will terminate spontaneously, otherwise it will cause disastrous consequences.
  It is precisely because of the above outstanding performance that the durability of the project is guaranteed, and one step back, even if the leakage is caused by various serious reasons, it can be repaired simply by spraying at the leaking position inside. . Organic waterproof materials cannot do this.
  There is no absolutely perfect solution in the world. If there is a problem with the perfect solution, the solution with the remedial plan is the most perfect solution.

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